Guided Meditations

Practice together in community

On this page you will find recordings of live guided meditations from our online Discord community. Note that not all Discord guided meditations get recorded, and members initiate ad-hoc group meditations regularly, so we encourage you to join us in the community!

Guided Meditations Live 2024

Sumit - Mantra (So Hum)
Breath Awareness (Yogic Breathing)
Sumit - Mantra (So Hum)
Sumit - Breath with Visualization
Sumit - Mano Pratyāhāra (Withdrawal of Mind)
Sumit - Mano Pratyāhāra (Withdrawal of Mind)
Sumit - Oṃ Mantra (Dhāraṇā)
Sumit - Mantra (Oṃ Namaḥ Śivāya)
Sumit - Guiding Oneself in Silent Meditation
Sumit - Breath Awareness
Sumit - Breath Awareness with Counting
Sumit - Mantra (So Hum)
Sumit - Breath Awareness with So Hum
Sumit - Breath Awareness with So Hum (Apr. 27)
Sumit - Breath Awareness (May 4)

Guided Meditations Live 2023

Toby Sola - Decision Making (includes Q&A)
Sumit - Mantra, Breath, and Metta
Sumit - Śāmbhavi (Eyebrow Center Gazing)
Sumit - Śāmbhavi (Eyebrow Center Gazing)
Sumit - Breath Awareness (Ānāpāna)
Sumit - Goenka-style Body Scan (Vipaśyanā)
Sumit - Kuṇḍalinī (Chakra) Meditation
Sumit - Mantra (Oṃ)
Sumit - Mantra (Oṃ Namaḥ Śivāya)
Sumit - Mantra (Om Mani Padme Hum)
Sumit - Mantra of Your Choice
Sumit - Mantra of Your Choice
Sumit - Technique of Your Choice

Guided Meditations Live 2021

Guided Meditations Live 2020

Guided Meditations Live 2019

Meet the Guest Teachers

Toby Sola

Senior Meditation Teacher, CEO of Brightmind, Creator of the Brightmind Meditation App, Award-Winning Designer

Paul Sugar

Certified MBSR/MBCT Instructor, Founder and Director of the Scottsdale Institute for Health and Medicine Center for Mindfulness

Robert Beatty

Buddhist Dharma Teacher and Psychotherapist, Founder and Guiding Teacher of Portland Insight Meditation Community

Brad Lichtenstein

Naturopathic Physician, Professor, Author, Speaker, Biofeedback & Meditation Trainer, Founder of The Breath SPACE

Rajan Shankara

Former Monk, CEO of MonkFit, Founder of ZenMind Academy, Author of Everything is Your Fault, Host of "Man in the Making" Podcast

Lou Redmond

Meditation Guide, Transformational Coach, Author of Find Your Truth, Speaker, Founder of One Mindful Education

Janusz Welin

Meditation Teacher, Psychedelic Preparation and Integration Coach, Founder of the Deep Mindfulness Collective

Greg Jacoby

Founding Partner of Project Mindfulness, CEO, Lead Marketing Strategist, and Lead Developer at Bright Development

David Bowman

Pragmatic Meditation Teacher, Founding Partner of Project Mindfulness, Former Orthodox Jewish Rabbinical Scholar