Episode 6: What is Unified Mindfulness? with Ron Russell

The Podcast format

First of all, we’ve had a change of intro and name and are now called “Project Mindfulness Podcast”!
I’m sitting down and having a chat with other meditators from around the world to talk about their practice, the lessons they have learned and what they want the world to know. From Zen, Christianity to Secular, all traditions have valuable insights and approaches to awareness, and in this podcast, we explore those with you.

Unified Mindfulness Coach Ron RUssel
From Zen practice to Unified Mindfulness

There are many approaches and methods involving meditation and mindfulness. It is not something invented or owned by any religion or tradition. The act of introspection, becoming aware of what is going on inside your mind is supposedly as old as our consciousness itself. With every age and every chapter of our evolution, there are new ways of looking at the same thing. Today, we take a look at Unified Mindfulness.
In this Podcast episode, I’m talking with Ron Russell about his personal experience with Meditation. How he came from a point of severe mental suffering to mental clarity.

Ron Russell is a 50-year-old Father of 3 (21, 18 & 8), Humanist Chaplain & Celebrant, Program Director for the Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix, Arizona Burning Man Regional Contact, Arizona Burners Without Borders Lead, Secular Coalition of Arizona member, Hospice of the Valley volunteer, Buddhist and Meditation practitioner since 2003 and certified Unified Mindfulness L2 coach. Ron’s journey led him from Zen practice ultimately to the pragmatic approach of Shinzen Young called Unified Mindfulness.

What exactly is Unified Mindfulness?

His Unified Mindfulness instruction focuses on scientific and secular approaches to contemplative practices. It provides measurable skills and addressing mindfulness “off the cushion” and placing it into daily practice and benefit. He is heavily influenced by the following: Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Shinzen Young, Sam Harris, Dan Harris, Chade Meng Tan, Yuval Noah Harari.

We explore what Unified Mindfulness is, and how it can be of use to you. This pragmatic and scientific approach leaves behind the religious aspects.  It offers a method to calm the mind and gain mental clarity, without any need for spiritual lingo. A new approach for a new generation.

Want to know more?

If you’d like to know more about Unified Mindfulness, check out this link: https://unifiedmindfulness.com/
To contact Ron, simply join our online community or visit his website here: https://unifiedmindfulness.com/ron-russell/

If you’d like to talk about this podcast or have some feedback or ideas, please let me know by joining our community here https://discord.gg/FKWFeYq
Simply use @christiaan or send me a DM! I would love to hear from you.

With warm regards,


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