As always, thank you for being a part of the community! We have a handful of exciting updates from the past few months to share with everyone today. If you’re not already a member of our online Discord community, please join us today!
Table of Contents
Thank You to Our Donators
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the following new and repeat donators: Sarah B., will-o’-the-wisp, and teacups. Special thanks to our new long-time supporters: Sean, awendela, John, and Philipp.
Thank you as well to the rest of our current monthly supporters: Agnosia, rudra, Peru S., m sea, Nineven, Ronald, Anthony A., Sandy S., mind exploration, rustybikes, acidjames, Krish, and Candace.
Meditation Mind operates 100% on donations, so this community would not be possible without you. See a full list of present and past supporters here.
Community Milestones
On October 18th, our community finally reached 10,000 members! Congrats to asmallpanda on being number 10,000, and thank you to all of our members for making this such a special place.

Roughly three weeks later, on November 7th, the server turned 8 years old. While we have not officially celebrated either of these milestones yet, we do have something fun in store, so stay tuned!
Channel Updates
For a very long time, #mindful-discussion served as our primary on-topic general discussion channel. In fact, it’s where you’ll find the first message ever posted on the server! However, due to a tendency for abstract, rather than practical, discussion to dominate the space, we decided to dedicate it to such discussion, rebranding it as #deep-dive and moving it to the “Meditation” category.

As a replacement, #practice-discussion has been added as a new space devoted exclusively to practice-centric discussion. Due to its positioning, this is one of the first channels new members will see, and for those new to meditation and mindfulness, we feel this has far less potential to be disorienting. If the channel is not already in your channel list, head over to Channels & Roles to enable it.

Finally, we have made some slight adjustments to the channel description for #the-lounge to emphasize that—despite its casual, off-topic nature—it is still meant to align with the overall friendly and wholesome atmosphere of the community. It is also not a suitable place for venting, and we ask that members be mindful of not dominating the space with serious, on-topic discussion that would be more appropriate elsewhere.

Bloom Bot Updates
We have made some exciting updates to our community’s custom bot, Bloom.
- Import Meditation Tracking Logs
Bloom can now /import your tracking logs from some of the most popular meditation apps: Insight Timer, Waking Up, and VA Mindfulness Coach. It also supports meditation timer sessions and breathing sessions from Finch, and if you have an Apple device, you can import Mindful Sessions from Apple Health data, which expands support to many more apps.
*As part of this update, Bloom now also supports adding seconds to your meditation time. This is primarily to support more accurate imports, but feel free to specify the seconds when /adding time!
The /import command can be used in #meditation-tracking, and even in a DM with Bloom! Donators can also use the command in the private donator channel. Note that due to the large file size, Apple Health logs will need to be processed prior to uploading, using the Bloom Parser utility. Learn about importing here!

- New Stats Charts
Bloom's /stats charts have been revamped with a cleaner design that also generates more quickly than before. As part of this update, we added two new styles: a combined-data bar chart (below image, left) and an area chart (below image, right).
These charts are available to all members, and they support custom colors for subscription-based donators. Just choose your preferred style when using the /stats user or /stats server commands.

- New Stats Leaderboards
In addition to the above revamped charts, Bloom now offers /stats leaderboard charts, as shown below. Both Top 5 and Top 10 leaderboards are available in four timeframes (daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly), sorted by minutes, sessions, or streak, with support for both light and dark modes.
Leaderboards honor individual tracking privacy settings, meaning that private streaks will not be shown and members who have anonymous tracking enabled will be shown as "Anonymous." Dark mode leaderboards are pre-generated and refreshed frequently for near-instantaneous access.

- Bookmark Search
In our last community update, we announced the addition of bookmarks. Now search your bookmarks with the /bookmark search command! Search is based on the description entered when adding a bookmark, so be sure to add relevant descriptions to make the most of this feature. Learn more here.
*Because bookmarks use database resources, regular members are limited to 20 bookmarks. Unlimited bookmarks is a perk for our subscription-based donators. Support the community with a subscription on Ko-fi or Patreon.

- Starboard: Tenor GIFs
Starboard will now embed Tenor GIFs when a URL is the only content included in the starred message. In order to display and update correctly, the format is slightly different from other starboard messages, as seen below.

- Glossary List Pagination
/glossary list now features proper formatting and pagination, instead of just displaying a big jumble of terms. Unlike most commands with navigation, buttons are usable by anyone, so feel free to browse through the list when the person who used the command is finished. Buttons will disappear after 10 minutes.

- Glossary/Whatis/Help Autocomplete
/glossary info, /whatis, and the single-command version of /help now feature autocomplete functionality for ease of use. Just start typing the term name or the command name and the list of options will automatically be updated.

- Random Quote with Keyword
Finally, as a fun little perk for our subscription-based donators, an optional keyword or phrase can now be specified when using /quote to limit the pool of quotes that the random quote is pulled from.

Odds and Ends
Our Free Meditation and Mindfulness Apps page has been updated, once again, with some great general mindfulness and well-being apps. We also added The Way, which is a paid journey-style meditation app, but we love it enough to make an exception.
We noticed that #practice-guide never actually mentioned what meditation is and why you might want to try it out. That has been rectified (albeit very briefly).
Dyno offers a number of helpful custom commands that were previously undocumented: ?resources for commonly requested resources, ?crisis for mental health crisis resources, and ?engagement for skillful engagement resources. These commands are now included in the pinned message in #bot-commands.
And that’s it for our December update. If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to get in touch via @ModMail or /suggest!