Four months out of a 12-year monastic career, we talk with Rajan Shankara about his time as a yogi. On the island of Kauai, he decided to retreat out of the “world” and dedicate all his time to meditation. He is now a
From a broken home to meditation
Rajan came from a broken home, misguided in his view of the world. He pursued this path all the way through high school. After some

Out of the jungle, into the monastery
He survived off coconuts and trail mix, was familiarized with the island by his sister. The monastery was located on the island. He did a little tour, asked about training and was sent away by the monk there. Rajan wanted to study Raja Yoga and needed a teacher. He went back every day. After a few days, one of the older monks wanted to have tea with him. He was invited to have tea with the monk every day at the same time.

What it means to be a monk
Finally, Rajan was accepted into the monastery. He stayed for the 6 month basic training and succeeded. Shortly after he was allowed to go back home and make a bigger decision; vow to dedicate his life to meditation and the monastic life. His 12-year journey began, controlling his mind, his body and his speech. Understanding what the ego is and how to transcend it. 12 year is the minimum period before one can take lifetime vows.

Not pursuing lifetime vows
He grew up in the monastery. The first two to four years, it was all character adjustment. He was broken down and trained to be a harmonious machine to live the monastic life. It helped shape him into an effective person, who can control the mind. Rajan
Want to know more?
If you’d like to know more about Rajan Shankara, visit his website: Monkfit
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With warm regards,
Christiaan Neeteson
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