Book club Recordings: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

1-30-22 In this session we decided to start wrapping up the book by reading the summary. This is part one of the summary reading
1-23-22 this is the last session we did in this book before moving on to the summary. We stopped at chapter 11 “speaking of small numbers”
1-16-22 In this session we stopped in chapter 10 at “the law of Small numbers”
1-8-22 In this session we stopped in chapter 9 at “The 3-D Heuristic” in bold
1-1-22 In this session we stopped at the start of chapter 8
12-18-21 In this session we stopped in chapter 7 at “exaggerated emotional coherence (halo effect)”
12-11-21 In this session we stopped at the beginning of chapter 6
12-4-21 In this session we stopped at the beginning of chapter 5
11-27-21 In this session we stopped at the beginning of chapter 4
11-20-21 In this session we stopped at the beginning of chapter 3
11-13-21 In this session we stopped in Chapter one, section “two systems”, sub chapter “illusions’ in bold
11-6-21 in this session we read up to “where we are now” in bold within the introduction

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